The Chick Fil A Diet?

Could I hit my macros eating nothing but Chick Fil A for a whole day? How tough would it be using their menu? How much customizing items would I have to do? How much food would it be? Will I get my protein?!?!

My personal Macro Targets (not yours) are 185g Protein | 250g Carbs | 65g Fat. If you want help mastering macros, 1on1 Coaching with me could help.

It actually went pretty darn well all things considered. Keep reading to see the meals OR check out the nifty Instagram Reel I made of the day.

The Egg White Grill is pretty amazing as far as fast food macros go… pretty hard to beat. You’ll see I had a bunch of fruit cups throughout the day… The fruit cups (and the IceDream Cone) were the lowest fat options for carbs. I saved the fat for the fried chicken!

Chick Fil A Grilled Nuggets are about the purest form of protein you’ll ever find from a fast food restaurant!… but of course the regular nuggets are too delicious to avoid. Again, the IceDream Cone… not a bad source of carbs (low fat) compared to the fries… but not much nutritional value there (aka vitamins).

For a dessert-ish type option, that Greek Yogurt Parfait is amazing! Tasty too. If you’re following super duper closely, notice I had 10 Grilled Nugs (ordered 12 and gave two to Biscuit), so I could hit my protein target.

Daily Total: 185g Protein | 252g Carbs | 63g Fat

Bite Size Recap

Chick Fil A might be the easiest Fast Food restaurant for people tracking macros. The Grilled Nuggets and Fruit Cups can fill almost any gap left by the fattier things on the menu.

Do I recommend and all Chick Fil A diet? No, of course not.

However, you can make it work really really easily around the rest of your day!

If you are looking to figure out how to work Chick Fil A into your diet OR any of your favorite foods, DM me on Instagram or check out my Nutrition Coaching.


Nutrition Commandment #1: Calories Generally Determine Your Weight


What is Macro Counting?